Autumn; hands down my favourite season. The colours, the spiced scents, the holidays, and the change in weather, all combined, create the perfect season we call fall. Although it is short lived here in Alberta, the taste we get for it makes us excited for it to come around again the following year.
Fall is about change and giving thanks, and as the air grows colder, our hearts grow warmer. We hold on to the little warmth we have before December rolls around, and we cherish the moments of thanks, gratefulness and giving. We fall back into our daily routines as the hustle and bustle of summer is over. Honestly, it’s one of my favourite aspects of it all, the idea and reality of getting organized again.
I tend to reflect when the weather changes, and pause on certain thoughts and ideas to bring into the new months ahead. Gratefulness is a huge one. I always remind myself to be grateful for the smallest of things, because whatever may light up your soul for a moment, is something worth being grateful for. Along with gratefulness, is recognition and giving thanks. Always give recognition when it is deserved, as people should know when they are doing amazing at whatever it may be that they are doing. Being thankful is simple; say thank you and be thankful. Life isn’t always easy, but do remember that the universe doesn't owe us anything, we owe it everything. Being thankful and letting people know they are recognized makes such a difference in life.
To end this short post, here are some of my favourite fall features (some more typical than others)
- Fall scents
- Scarves, sweaters, and big socks
-Crisp air
-Morning walks
-Hot drinks
-Colour palette of fall
-Dark lipstick
Photos By Sara, check out her work here
Models Shaylene Cameron and myself.
Thank you for the beautiful florals for our shoot!
Checkout,,, and all on Instagram!